It's OK to Pause

My day seems to have started before I have! It’s already taken a different turn, a change of events, needing a re-think of how I am to plan my day, how rude, I say to myself. Ah, just to say, that’s not me being rude, it’s something I often say, when my day takes an alternative route. Or anything for that matter :)

OK. Time to take a pause and and re-group, take a sensory check in

As I sit here, looking out of my window, what do I see?

What five things can I see? OK. Simple.

The house opposite mine.

The bushes and trees outside of my window (which are been blown about by a very excitable wind, it’s really blowing a hooley out there) Does that count as two things?

The birds :) They are in and out of the bushes, I’m now thinking, is there a nest in there?

The very rapidly moving clouds in the grey blue sky.

The fifth? My mug of coffee I’m holding. It has a very cute mummy and baby bunny on it and inside it says the words “Big Love”. It’s my fav mug, for me its made for coffee :)

Four things that I can feel? Oh OK.

The warmth of my coffee in my hands.

The comfy chair I’m sitting on. I recently changed my chair to this one. I can feel it supporting my back and shoulders.

I can feel my feet on the ground, my boots, helps me feel grounded with the earth.

The fourth? A special pendant I can hold in my hand, which was my mum’s fav. It’s blue, two hearts entwined :)

Three things I can hear? mmmm

The radio, Zoe Ball.....

The other, very noisy, member of my home!!

The distant sound of someone’s lawnmower.

Two things I can smell? Bit more tricky.

My coffee :)

A really yummy toast smell!

One thing I can taste???

Well, that’s got to be the coffee!!!

Sometimes when things don’t go quite according to plan, which it seems they often don’t, it’s a good time to pause and have a re-think. And that’s OK. We are human beings not human doings :)